Sri Sai Satya Vratam

Service Description

As per skandha Puranam Sri satyanarayana Swamy vratam is narrated by Maha Vishnu to Narada maharishi. This vratham is easy way to get the moksham in this kaliyugam. As per Sri satyanarayana swamy vratha katha shlokam \“Dukha shokadi shamanam tapatraya vivardhanam Soubhagya santatikaram sarvatra Vijaya pradham\” It means if you perform this vratam Satyanarayana Swamy will remove all the sorrows and u will be blessed with kids followed by victory in life. When we are performing this pooja we are worshiping all nine planets (Navagraha). This will remove dosha from individuals Astrology path. We are performing this vratham on every full moon day. As per skandha Puranas performing this Vratam on full moon day is very auspicious. Sei Saibaba Temple Society performs this vratham on every full moon day every month. Temple priests will be performing this vratham by explaining the importance of this vratham in form of stories. We request all the devotees to sponsor for this vratham and take blessing Sri Satyanarayana Swamy followed by theertham and prasadam. In any circumstances if you cannot attend in person any of the pooja you can give name and Gothranamas to priest and they will chant your name and gothram while performing the vratha pooja.

Service Name

Sri Sai Satya Vratam

Donation Amount


Service Date

